Monday, October 22, 2007

Penis Out

Hello everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this farcical blog and realize how ridiculously obsessed we are with "celebrities" and their personal lives, including the relentless curiosity over the sexual preferences and practices of Sven Sundgaard. I have no ill will toward Sven Sundgaard and quite frankly do not concern myself what he does on or off air.

I do not intend on updating this blog any further, as this impulsively deployed joke, lame as it was to begin with, has more than run its full course. I will leave this site up and continue monitor for any new comments if you have them.

Now how about that hug?




starfire said...

I'm still gonna make the T-shirts!

Aaron said...

Crazy times!

Aaron said...

Hey, before you go, who's typing on your behalf? Drop me an email.

Abysmal Chick said...

I'll add you to my list of penises I won't be hearing from again. Take care dick!

Jackie Rae said...

You could always start a blog from the P.O.V. of Julie Moravchik's boobs.