Monday, October 15, 2007

Oh my gosh!

Someone told me that a lot of people are linking to my page. Over little old me? Well, let's not overstate the "little" part. Ha ha ha... One of my friends showed me how to see how many people are looking at my site and I cannot believe it!! Now I feel pressure to perform and am wilting under the spotlight so to speak. Just a another joke there. Ha ha! I am not sure what to write now. I will think of something good I promise. Just don't expect any dirt on Sven or answers to any of those rude questions about whether he likes boys or girls. Sven is my boy, and I won't do him like that. You hear me, Sven. You my boy!


Aaron said...

Who's yo daddy

Anonymous said...

You've got Duluth all a-twitter! Starfire is have a t-shirt contest already.

Remeber Sven was our boy first and we love him...and, through the transitive property of penial congruency, his penis.

Sven Sundgaard's Penis said...

Aaron I suppose Sven's dad is my daddy. Or is it Sven? That part is kind of confusing! PDD'er this is what I hear and read. I saw the shirts posted so far and they are very good. Sven and I will always have fond memories of Duluth.